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How to develop time management skills for competitive exams?

How to develop time management skills for competitive exams?

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3 min
Improve Time Management

Time management is self-discipline and assessment of time in effectively accomplishing the tasks that need to be completed. The ability to manage time is an important skill for exam prep, as well as for your career after you pass your exam. Being able to manage your time effectively will help you finish all the tasks that need to be done on time, every day, without procrastinating and without stress. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can improve time management skills for competitive exams.

Create a routine and stick to it

Having a routine is important for effective time management. Make a schedule that works for you and follow it as closely as possible. Try to make your study routine as similar to your exam routine as possible. This will help you develop the skills you need to be successful on exam day. If you can learn how to manage your time while studying, it will make it easier to apply those skills on exam day.

Be realistic with your exam preparation schedule

Before starting your exam preparation, you must have an idea about the time you need to finish your exam prep. Then, you should make a realistic schedule that includes the following: - The subject you want to focus on and for how many hours - The days you want to study - The time of the day you want to study - What you want to achieve during each study session - What you want to leave out of your study schedule

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Make your study time productive

While you're studying for your exam, try to make your study time as productive as possible. This means choosing the right study environment and making sure you're actually studying and not just procrastinating. Here are some ways to make your study time more productive: - Choose a study location that is peaceful and quiet. You don't want to be interrupted or distracted by things like social media, television, or other people. - Focus on one subject at a time. If you're studying multiple subjects, try to break them up into smaller sections to make them easier to tackle. You can also break up your study sessions into smaller chunks of time. - Take breaks during your study sessions. Your brain can only focus for so long, so try not to study for hours on end without a break. - Make sure you're actually studying and not just procrastinating. Are you actively trying to learn the material or are you just doing something to pass the time? If it's the latter, try to find a more productive way to spend your time.

Don't spend too much time on one subject

One of the most common mistakes students make is spending too much time on one subject. It's important to spend enough time studying each subject, but it's also important to make sure you don't spend too much time on any one thing. If you spend too much time studying one subject, you won't have enough time to study everything else you need to know. If you find yourself spending too much time studying one subject, try to switch it up. Focus on another subject for a while, then come back to the first one.

Learn to say no

Another important aspect of effective time management is learning to say no. You will be tempted to say yes to everything, especially when you're in a competitive environment surrounded by other high-achieving peers. You must learn to say no to things that are not important to you so that you have time to spend on the things that are. Say no to extra study groups, events, and projects that you don't absolutely have to be a part of. You don't have to do everything that everyone asks you to do. Learning to say no will help you minimize your stress and anxiety and have more time to focus on what matters most.

Read Also: Master the Game of Marks- How to Deal with Exam Stress!

Take care of yourself physically and mentally

Finally, as you're studying and time managing, it's important to take care of yourself physically and mentally. This means getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and reducing your stress levels as much as possible. If you're not getting enough sleep or not eating properly, you won't have the energy or focus you need to study effectively and time manage effectively. You can also try some relaxation and mindfulness exercises to help lower your stress levels and make it easier to manage your time.


To become a successful competitive exam taker, you need to develop time management skills. Time management is self-discipline and assessment of time in effectively accomplishing the tasks that need to be completed. The ability to manage time is an important skill for exam prep, as well as for your career after you pass your exam. To become a successful competitive exam taker, you need to develop time management skills. Creating a routine, being realistic with your exam preparation schedule, making your study time productive, and not spending too much time on one subject are just a few tips for developing effective time management skills. If you can learn how to manage your time while studying, it will make it easier to apply those skills on exam day.

You can also book a session with our qualified success coaches to improve motivation, focus and concentration; improve your planning, prioritization, time management and study skills; and overcome bad habits, distractions, and other obstacles

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