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How to crack NEET without coaching?

How to crack NEET without coaching?

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3 Mins
NEET Preparation

Can you clear NEET without coaching? — Yes

Do we recommend doing this? — Not to everyone!

Now imagine you want to learn to ride a motorcycle! — What’d you do?

Obviously, you’ll ask your friend or join a driving institute — Basically, you’ll ask someone who knows how to ride a motorcycle. Right?

Greater the experience, the marrier!

But would you consider watching a Youtube tutorial, and then implementing it firsthand? — We hope not!

Yes, we understand that learning how to ride a motorcycle on your own and clearing a competitive exam on your own has a big difference — You’ll certainly get a second chance in the latter.

However, we need to accept the fact that not all of us have this innate ability to learn something just from watching it. And the same principle applies to clear NEET, or as a matter of fact, any competitive exam without coaching. 

It takes a combination of hard work, smart work, and talent to quickly grasp the information to clear NEET or any competitive exam on your own. And, if you have these abilities, we’ll tell you how to crack NEET without coaching.

How To Prepare For NEET At Home Without Coaching

Start with the ‘basics’

If you watch or read interviews of NEET toppers & experts, they all recommend one book in particular — NCERT. And there’s a good reason for it.

See, the topics of any 12th-based competitive exams or entrance tests are the extensions of the fundamentals of NCERT. Therefore, you need to have a good grip on the concepts of your 11th & 12th standards NCERT books before even thinking about preparing for NEET, let alone preparing for it on your own.

Once you’re done with the basics, here are some books with which you can take your NEET preparation to the next level.

To beat the test, you should first ‘know the test’

A strategic preparation requires you to familiarize with the exam pattern before making any other move. Therefore, invest your time learning about the types of questions being asked in the test, the marking structure, and the NEET exam schedule test length. Rather than acting in the heat of the moment and moving forward without any plan, this approach can enhance NEET preparation productivity.

Previous years’ question papers are a ‘Treasure’

Nothing beats the amount of experience that you get for NEET preparation than previous years’ question papers. Just by looking at them, you can identify some patterns, such as recurring topics, etc., that can really help you categorize important topics from which questions can be asked.

So, if your basics are clear and you have practiced the last 10 years' question papers thoroughly, you can score at least 400 marks from it alone.

Mocks are no ‘Jokes’

They say practice makes perfect, and what better way to practice for NEET than some mock tests? Not only it is the best way to evaluate your progress and identify your shortcomings, but it also helps you manage your exam time and also the best way to get over with pre-exam stress and anxiety

But mock tests are for the later part of preparation?

I need to prepare for 1 topic only, how can I take mock tests?

If you have these questions about mock tests then lucky for you ‘coz today we’d talk about various mock tests that candidates can routinely take depending on the stage where they are and the preparation goal:

  • Integrated preparation mocks: Help you to prepare for two or more subjects at once.

  • Full-length mocks: These comprehensive practice exams help you prepare for every section of the NEET-PG exam.

  • Exam-specific practice mocks: These mocks are a great way for aspirants to familiarise themselves with the exam structure and prepare for the most challenging and crucial topics, depending on the type of exam.

  • Sectional preparation mocks: Helps aspirants determine the degree of each section's preparedness.

    Expert tip: Take section mocks before going for full-length mocks.

  • Mini-preparation mocks: The mini-preparation tests cover each subject in depth. They can be used to determine the level of preparation for each test section.

  • Topic-specific practice mocks: These mocks can help prepare for the most difficult and important topics, boost confidence, and aid in developing a strong grasp of difficult subjects.

So give mock tests and give plenty of them ‘coz every mock test will only bring you one step closer to hitting the jackpot!


If you’re looking to prepare for NEET without coaching, you should prepare to work harder, smarter, and faster than others. No doubt that the above-mentioned tips will help you a lot with your exam preparations, however, clearing one of the hardest exams requires you to have an absolute self-study routine.

Invest your time to learn how to self-study effectively for competitive exams to drive maximum focus and achieve best results.

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